admin – Your transformation journey Sun, 18 Aug 2024 06:33:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 admin – 32 32 235872951 Inner Wisdom -Trust Yourself And Your Intuition Wed, 03 Jul 2024 06:59:57 +0000 This inner knowing is what we call intuition.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines intuition as “the immediate apprehension of an object by the mind without the intervention of any reasoning process”.

Isaac Asimov said of it, “Intuition is the art, peculiar to the human mind, of working out the correct answer from data that is, in itself, incomplete or even, perhaps, misleading.”

How is your relationship with this aspect of yourself? Can you find your own way through a situation with incomplete data? Are you able to balance the left and right sides of your nature, instinct and logic, in order to create maximum persuasion?

We all have the experience of gut feelings, most likely in the form of danger. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time is an unpleasant reminder of our intuitive natures. Or maybe you’ve experienced it in a romantic situation. We’ve all heard stories of a man or woman meeting their twin flame for the first time and thinking to themselves, ‘This is the person I’m meant to be with. I can feel it.’

Intuition is a muscle that can be strengthened. It is an aspect of emotional intelligence and with study, attention and patience, can be grown and used to further aid your persuasion skills.

Hunches, gut feelings and intuitions are entirely acceptable to apply in business matters, as well as, life in general. Following these are signs that Spirit is flawlessly guiding our lives as we’ve requested.

When I experience a moment of intuitive clarity, I feel it in the back of my stomach, radiating sharply. Other people experience it as a jump in their chest. Others still feel a hardness in the backs of their throats. By paying attention to these physical shifts, the world of self-calibration opens up to us. These shifts can sometimes make huge differences in the things we do and measures we take to close a deal or get out of a dangerous or difficult situation.

As a small disclaimer: Following hunches shouldn’t negate logic and reason, but act in concert with them. The ability to pay attention to hunches and intuition is sometimes relegated to woo-woo modern mystics and is often neglected or mocked in other situations. But think about EMTs or military personnel (especially ones in the line of danger) who rely on these abilities to keep themselves safe. Or think about business mogul, Lee Iacoca, who once said, “The only mistake I ever made was not listening to my gut.”

Think back to times when you had these feelings and didn’t heed the warning. What unpleasantness could you have avoided if you had (a broken heart, a stolen iphone. . .)? By checking in, centering, and gaining clarity, our life is enhanced immeasurably in all aspects.


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Breaking free from limiting beliefs: The power of positive mindset Wed, 01 Feb 2023 19:24:13 +0000

How Mindset And Action Can Work To Manifest Your Desires

So you think you understand the principles of manifesting, but you cannot explain why these things are still not coming to you. You believe that we create our reality. You understand the laws of attraction, and believe that what we think about we attract into our experience. You have even been practicing these principles, that is, when you remember to. When you think about it, you are repeating affirmations such as: My perfect relationship is available and I deserve to have it. My income level is constantly increasing. Okay, then, why is that perfect relationship or more income not what you’re experiencing?

You may be trying to blame your parents for instilling some limiting belief that money is bad or that there is something spiritual about suffering. It really doesn’t matter where some of your beliefs come from or how many of them you have. There is a way around this. You need to focus on the beliefs that do serve you better such as: The Universe is full of abundance. The Universe wants to bring my desires to me. You may be feeling unworthy. If you don’t think that you deserve to be happy and successful, how can you possibly create that in your life?


Deserve to be happy and successful.

Deserve to be happy and successful.

Okay, so now you are 1) believing that it IS possible to have all you desire. And, 2) you are now feeling worthy. You feel like you have done your part and now you are just waiting for the Universe to fulfill those desires. There is another little piece here that could perhaps be the missing link. Take action. But wait a minute here you say. I thought that I just have to ask and know that the Universe will supply, and presto! It appears. Not so fast, let’s see how taking action can assist in this process.

When you take action, any action, in the direction of your desire, you are showing the Universe that you are serious. It also facilitates the process because you have focused your attention on your action instead of your waiting. This action does not need to be huge earth-shattering stuff. This action can come from a feeling of inspiration, intuition, or even coincidental events. One very important thing to keep in mind when you do take action: be sure to feel good about it, about yourself and what you want. Now you know how to assist the Universe in fulfilling your dreams.

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Building Stronger Connections and Improving Communication Wed, 01 Feb 2023 19:24:00 +0000

The Higher Self Is The Voice Of The Soul.

Getting to know your Higher Self is a loving and powerful way to move closer toward healing and self-realization. The Higher Self knows everything about us and sees the bigger picture. It knows all of our past lives, our dreams, frustrations, relationships, our different personalities, the lessons we are learning, all possible choices, the past and our potential future. The Higher Self can be a wonderful guide. Just imagine the possibility of seeing everything more clearly, feeling the joy and security of knowing that your choices are taking you toward your highest good!

As we face challenges and move through difficulties, many times we feel lonely, isolated or misunderstood by others. By getting your Higher Self involved in daily life, you will be able to feel loved, nurtured, and deeply understood. Your Higher Self is always there for you, in a way that another human being is not able to be. It is always ready to give you all the attention you need, always loving, has your highest good in mind guiding you ever closer to unlimited source.

As we grow and evolve we sometimes find that our personality is not enough to support our expanded, abundant Self. We sense and know the possibility of true prosperous living, but our old patterns of thinking and doing dont give us the guidance we need to actualize our spiritual ideals and transform our lives. We need a means of finding our way through the day to day reality of living, in a way that supports our Soul’s expansive desires. The Higher Self is the voice of the Soul. Creating a best friend relationship with your Higher Self can provide immediate and insightful help for the challenges of everyday living.

With our Higher Self as navigator we can deepen relationships with others through Soul to Soul communication. Previously unsolvable problems and conflicted relationships can be healed and problems resolved. The love connection between souls transcends all personality differences. The Higher Self also sees all opportunities for growth, allowing you to utilize your experiences in a more loving and joyful way.

This deep, expansive communion with the Self is one of the most powerful and direct ways to access the Souls ability to help you with all of your choices. The experience is also exquisitely beautiful and profoundly intimate. More intimate than any human relationship. Who could possibly know you better and love you more deeply than the being you came through to be on this earth?

This intimacy with the Higher Self is what so many are seeking in a Soul Mate. The innate longing for completion, to be with your other half, the one that was created for you at the beginning of time, the one you were meant to be with forever. That one is your own Soul.


Radiant joy and love emerge and are contagious.

Experience your True Self in this way is an amazing gift.

Imagine for a moment that you are now able to feel, taste, touch and know that wondrous union right here, right now. At last, here is the endless love you have been seeking which transcends this human existence. Look deeply into those ancient eyes and see only the truth of love shining back at you and know that this wise one has been with you always. Your heart opens as you feel the trust that comes from true commitment. As your heart opens wider, allow yourself to be embraced by this great being of love and bright light. Feel the strength, beauty, power and love of this ancient one flow through you. Your own heart knows the truth; you know who this is your Soul.

Feel your heart call to this one. Invite it to flow into your heart, embracing it. A deep trust and recognition arises as your Souls energy fills your heart. You know this connection is familiar, from the light, from the source. Secret memories are now remembered. Listen with your heart, your Soul is now speaking. Words of encouragement, hope, love, gentle soothing phrases drawing you closer. See how delighted this wise being is to see you, radiating magnificent colors and bright light. It has been waiting for you, waiting for this union, waiting to merge with you at last.

How long have you been waiting for this moment? How many times have you joined in this completion? The years of separateness drift away as you experience the ecstasy of true love.

To experience your True Self in this way is an amazing gift and a great service to our precious planet. Everyone can learn to turn within and commune with the Self. The rewards can be astonishing. With practice, the heart continues to open, the healing process quickens, life becomes more joyful and the world around us begins to change. Intimacy with the True Self purifies the heart allowing you to experience your own true abundant nature. Discovering pure joy and true happiness need not be difficult. It takes only a willing heart and practice.

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Mastering Self-Discovery: A Journey to Finding Your Purpose Wed, 01 Feb 2023 19:23:46 +0000

When You Follow Your Passions And Purpose Will Follow.

What’s the purpose of life and how do I get there? Those are two of the most asked questions. Have you ever asked yourself something similar to that?

The good news is you have something very unique in your life to accomplish. Of course, the question that comes after that is, What is it then? But that is just about as far as most people will ever go. You may ask yourself this question, think about it for a few minutes, come up with no answers, and then just go on with your daily routine. If you ever want to accomplish your purpose you have to go beyond the What is it question. How do you do that?

You first have to realize that you won’t have all the answers in the beginning. If you are waiting for a bolt of lightning to hit you and reveal to you what it is you’re supposed to do in life, it will never happen that way.

The first thing you need to determine is what you are passionate about. What gets you so excited that you can hardly contain yourself when you think about it? Or what causes your blood to boil when you hear people talk about it? Most likely this is the starting point of your greatness.

Why do I say the starting point? Because once you finally have an idea about what you want to do you must then ask, in what direction do I go? And how do I start? Believe it or not, those questions don’t matter as much as you may think they do.

The second thing you need to do is to simply begin pursuing your passion. Don’t let the question of What direction do I go or how do I start? stop you from actually starting. Most likely, there is some type of organization, group, or online presence that is doing something very similar to what you have a passion to do. Get involved with these people. They have probably already laid much of the groundwork in developing what you are passionate about. You can then jump right in and start helping them.

By being around these people you will begin to develop and fine-tune exactly what your purpose is. As a matter of fact, your initial purpose for getting involved may change somewhat as you begin to develop your greatness.


The Secret To Living A Life Of Purpose.

Having a purpose helps to build confidence and self esteem.

That’s why it is not so important to know everything about what you want to do before you start doing it. It’s kind of like this: Imagine you are in Los Angeles and you want to drive to Florida. You are not really sure where you want to go in Florida, but you know Florida is where you need to go. You have two options:

1. You can research, study, ask people, look at maps, and all kinds of things to try and find out the best way to get to Florida. You are not going to leave until you know exactly how to get there, the dangers involved, the speed traps to watch out for, where the best rest stops are. The problem with this is that you will never know everything about how to get to Florida.
2. You can just start driving. You may ask one or two people you meet along the way which road to use and then just go. On your journey you will meet people who will help you with the best routes, and they will even tell you of places they went to and experiences they had on their way to Florida. By the time you get there, you will have gained so much knowledge that you now know exactly where you want to go in Florida.

The point is this, you can sit around and wait for the perfect opportunity to fulfill your purpose or you can simply start out on your journey and, along the way, you will discover and fulfill your purpose. My suggestion is: just start moving!

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Strategies for Overcoming Adversity and Achieving Success Wed, 01 Feb 2023 19:23:34 +0000

5 Simple Self-Care Practices You Can Implement Now

Between work, home, and social responsibilities, do you often feel that all your time is spent taking care of others? Neglecting self-care is easy in a busy world, but the consequences can be serious. Adding self-care practices to your daily routine can greatly strengthen your health and well-being. Plus, experts share that the happiest and most successful people regularly focus on self-care!

Try these simple self-care strategies today:

1. Block out time for self-care in your schedule. It’s not enough to occasionally stop your busy lifestyle and take a walk or indulge in a hot bath. Self-care is an ongoing process. Just as you reserve time in your schedule for other appointments, set aside time to take care of yourself, too. It’s important to adopt self-care habits that you can enjoy on a regular basis. They’ll help you avoid burnout, increase your productivity, and allow you to enjoy life.

2.Enjoy your favorite hobby. Whether you love to experiment with new recipes in the kitchen or paint pictures of sunsets, your favorite hobbies can be part of self-care. Hobbies and activities that you already enjoy are easy to select and put into practice. You just have to find room in your schedule to do them. This is an important step and shows your commitment to self-care.

3. Make note of the compliments you receive. You can enjoy this self-care practice even as you work or run errands! Start taking notes of the compliments you receive. You can keep them in a journal, diary, or online folder. Your compliment folder can also include emails, notes, thank you cards, and other things that make you smile. This self-care practice can help you fight negative thoughts. Compliments can serve as reminders that you matter, your existence is important, and someone appreciates you.

4. Remove clutter. Whether you decide to de clutter your closet or clean out the fridge, removing clutter will uplift you. Clutter can drain you physically and mentally. It can also make you unhappy as you try to move through your day. Eliminate the things that no longer serve you. For example, if you’re keeping clothes in your closet that you hate each time you open the door, replace them with clothes that you love.

5. Do one selfish act. Living selfishly all day isn’t recommended, but doing one selfish act that makes you happy can do wonders. You can enjoy just that one thing without feeling guilty about it! If you struggle with self-care, it’s often because you spend all of your energy and time taking care of others. There’s nothing left in your well for yourself. By taking the time to do one selfish act, such as reading your favorite book or ignoring a boring phone call, you’ll be restoring your own importance.


A hobby which connects to your soul. Brings happiness.

Talk to your mirror self..

Self-care often takes a backseat to work, family, and other obligations. However, without stopping to take care of your mind and body, you’re at risk of burning out and suffering from serious health issues. Start making time for your self-care practices today!

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Tools and Techniques for Living in the Present Moment Wed, 16 Feb 2022 17:16:04 +0000

Make Success Your Destiny

From this moment on, choose not to let your past dictate your future. What is gone is gone forever. Now is the time to move on, to do and become what you want: to be the best in any area that you choose, so you may design your own destiny.

Here are a few helpful suggestions and simple tips that can quickly move you in the direction of manifesting your destiny to accomplish many great things in your life.

To join ranks with the most successful people in the field of your choice, or merely to achieve your dreams quietly, for yourself, you will need to take the journey toward a better, more enlightened future; toward a more empowered and motivated you, toward a life that you will design and achieve. You will live your life as you want it. And you will become that person you have been dreaming of becoming.

Invest in life in your life. No more wavering dreams, staring out the window and wishing and hoping. No more sleepless nights worrying about your future as you only see where you are now.

This time it is for real. What you are dreaming of will happen, and in abundance. From today, you will move forward in your life in a dramatic way. You will do what is required of you to accomplish your daily goals, big and small, and you will always expect to succeed at everything you do.

Embrace your unlimited power and build a life of excellence. Success is your one and only option. Fill all of your days with accomplishments, no matter how small you may think they are. It is important, at this point, to realize that most successes stem from your ability to feel certain that you can set out to achieve what it is that you desire. And for you to feel certain, you need to become confident.

One of the principle prerequisites to achieving almost anything in life is confidence. Confidence is an indispensable requirement to your success and further development or betterment, be it for your personal or professional needs. Confidence is the doorway to success and fulfillment. With confidence you will have the courage, strength and motivation to tackle and overcome all life’s setbacks and challenges.

The great news is that confidence is a learned skill, and anyone can learn the skills to have awesome and unstoppable confidence. As promised, here are just a couple of confidence tips that I believe are easy to do and are extremely effective. By repeating the simple tips daily, they will retrain your thinking and become an automatic part of your new successful and confident habit. They will become your new way of life.

Challenge your thoughts that have been holding you back and stretch your mind to raise your limits to unlimited heights. At the end of each day, put yourself into a confident and resourceful state of mind by jotting down in your diary or daily journal, all of the day’s achievements, no matter how small.

Benefit: The mere act of writing them down reinforces the idea of success and confidence. It is extremely beneficial and motivating for you to feel the successes from deep within so your mind acknowledges them as confident achievements.

Just before going to bed, conceive and initiate your ideal day. Once you have gone through your diary and planned your next day, sit back and take a few minutes to imagine and visualise the entire day, from beginning to end. See it unfolding exactly how you would want it to be, in every situation. Feel the confident emotions that come from success, with the feeling that you have accomplished all that you wanted.

Benefit: When you go to sleep, your unconscious mind will work all night on ways to bring about that which you have just visualised.


Trust your inner child.

Your confidence in your present, creates a better future.

Truly make it your destiny to accomplish many great things in your lifetime by adopting a vital ingredient to success, and that is confidence. With confidence you discard worry, hesitation and fear. With confidence you rise above challenges and failures. With confidence you have unlimited motivation and unrelenting persistence. Do not underestimate the immense power of confidence.

I hope you find these tips and advice helpful. Go ahead, reap the rewards and accomplish many great things in your lifetime.

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How to Overcome Challenges and Embrace Change Wed, 16 Feb 2022 17:09:24 +0000

Opening Your Mind To Energy Healing

Energy healing is something that many people could benefit from, yet so many people dismiss it and think that it is nonsense. They believe that they are better off seeking traditional care. While traditional medical attention has its place, there is also a place for natural care. Many people find more relief from natural treatments than they ever find in traditional medicine. So, if you are suffering from an ailment and you find that traditional methods of care simply are not working, why not try something a bit different? Sometimes allowing yourself to open up and try something new is just what you need to change your life.

Are you new to energy healing and wondering exactly what it is all about? It is actually quite simple. Seeking this sort of treatment can be very effective and an obvious choice when you learn what it is all about. Simply put, this type of treatment is based on the belief that there is energy running through the body. Many people are better able to picture this when they compare the human body to an electrical circuit. Just as electricity runs through an electrical circuit, energetic currents run through the body. If there is a blockage, this causes problems in the body as well as in the electrical circuit. When these blockages or crossed wires occur, a whole host of problems can happen. If you just put a band-aid on them, they will continue to get worse over time.


Opening Your Mind To Energy Healing.

Why Do People Turn to Energy Healing.

Energy healing works well because many of the techniques can identify the underlying problems in the body, instead of just treating the symptoms as traditional medication often does. When you are able to identify the underlying problems, you are able to create a treatment plan and vigorously attack the problems in a straightforward manner. The result is achieving health and happiness through personalized treatment. What is wonderful about this type of treatment is that most people can learn it quite easily and apply it to their lives in very little time, meaning a more balanced life in the short term as well as long term.

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A Guide to Finding Happiness and Fulfillment Sun, 16 Jan 2022 17:05:18 +0000

17 Ways To Raise Your Vibrations.

The quantity and quality of our energy flow deeply affects our emotions, thoughts and reactions. The quality of our relationships, productivity, creativity and health all depend upon creating a high level of harmoniously flowing energy. The following techniques and ways of life will aid us in building a freer and more positive energy flow and raise your vibrations.

1. Proper Diet: Few of us realize the powerful effect of a proper diet not only on our physical health, but also on our emotional, mental and spiritual states. A clean diet can create greater health, more positive emotional states, clearer mental functioning, and increased spiritual attunement.

2. Vitamins: If we suspect our emotional state may also be the result of a worn down nervous system, we might benefit from a strong multivitamin and mineral supplement for one month.

3. Fasting: We can dramatically improve how we feel with short one-day fasts, or a “mono-diet” in which we eat only one type of food, such as apples, watermelon or grapes. When fasting, some may experience an increase of symptoms if a “healing crisis” is provoked. A beginner in this process should be assisted by an experienced guide.

4. Herbs and Flower Essence: Some herbs can be very calming and/or invigorating, offering an extra boost which may give us the needed optimism we need to make internal changes.

5. Daily Physical Exercise: The body is a living machine, and like all machines, it needs to move or it will begin to develop problems. Exercise is essential not only for a healthy muscular, skeletal, and circulatory system, but also for a relaxed nervous system and balanced endocrine system. This systemic harmony is necessary for emotional and mental peace.

6. Breathing Techniques: These are essential for the abundant flow of vital energy throughout the body and mind. Bio-energy is the basis of all physical and mental functions. Breathing exercises are one of the most effective ways to increase our energy level and keep it steady and harmonious so we will be less susceptible to low emotional states or illness. We should, however, have the guidance of a person experienced in breathing techniques before we begin.

7. Daily Deep Relaxation:This will calm the muscles, nerves and all other bodily systems, and thus rejuvenate the body and the mind. Deep relaxation, in conjunction with the above-mentioned techniques, contributes to the development of a strong and healthy immune system as well as a form of self-therapy from psychosomatic illnesses.

8. Creative Self Expression: This is much more important to our physical, emotional and spiritual health and harmony than most people imagine. Humans are creative beings. Our purpose on Earth is to create in some way. We might create a painting, a piece of music, a dance, a family, a business,ect. Creative self-expression is essential for our health, harmony and happiness.

9. Meaningful Activity: This is necessary for us to feel that our life is worth living. If we do not see what we are doing as meaningful, useful or helpful in some way, we lose our reason to exist, and our health and happiness gradually deteriorate.

10. Massage: Shiatsu massage, polarity massage, spiritual healing, Reiki and other such energy-oriented types of massage can be especially effective in relaxing the nervous system and reducing negativity.

11. Cleansing Techniques: One simple method is to increase the number of showers or baths. Contact with water can be healing and calming.

12. Emotional Release: We might need to partake in a program of emotional release under the guidance of an experienced professional, who can help us release pent up emotions which undermine our health and energy level.

13. Social Harmonization: We need to discover and overcome any fears or beliefs that prevent us from feeling comfortable with others.

14. Spiritual Orientation: Each of us has their own personal relationship with the universe. Whether or not we adhere to any particular religion, it is important for our inner balance that we feel and cultivate our relationship with the whole as humanity, as nature, or as Spirit.

15. Self Knowledge: We need to understand our own inner mechanisms, needs, desires, fears, expectations, beliefs and subconscious workings in order to free ourselves from the negative emotions, mechanisms, which undermine our health, happiness and relationships.

16. Enlightening The Subconscious: This aspect of self-improvement usually requires an experienced professional who can help us reprogram the subconscious with positive, more objective beliefs and perceptions of ourselves, others, and the world.

17. Unconditional Love: Showing this towards ourselves and others is the ultimate key to a high and harmonious energy flow.

Happiness is within you.

It’s Better To Trust Yourself And Be Wrong Than To Not Trust Yourself At All

Trusting yourself is essential to loving yourself. You know yourself better than anyone and no one is going to take care of you except you. Until you trust yourself, you will not be able to fully trust anyone.
Make your personal decisions based on what’s most important to you and what works best for you. You can ask other people’s opinions as long as you are willing to pay most attention to your feelings. If you are unsure of yourself, take the time to really listen to your gut. If you have a relationship with a Higher Power, spend time in prayer or meditation and ask that the truth be revealed to you.

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