Communication – Your transformation journey Wed, 31 Jul 2024 09:40:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Communication – 32 32 235872951 Inner Wisdom -Trust Yourself And Your Intuition Wed, 03 Jul 2024 06:59:57 +0000 This inner knowing is what we call intuition.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines intuition as “the immediate apprehension of an object by the mind without the intervention of any reasoning process”.

Isaac Asimov said of it, “Intuition is the art, peculiar to the human mind, of working out the correct answer from data that is, in itself, incomplete or even, perhaps, misleading.”

How is your relationship with this aspect of yourself? Can you find your own way through a situation with incomplete data? Are you able to balance the left and right sides of your nature, instinct and logic, in order to create maximum persuasion?

We all have the experience of gut feelings, most likely in the form of danger. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time is an unpleasant reminder of our intuitive natures. Or maybe you’ve experienced it in a romantic situation. We’ve all heard stories of a man or woman meeting their twin flame for the first time and thinking to themselves, ‘This is the person I’m meant to be with. I can feel it.’

Intuition is a muscle that can be strengthened. It is an aspect of emotional intelligence and with study, attention and patience, can be grown and used to further aid your persuasion skills.

Hunches, gut feelings and intuitions are entirely acceptable to apply in business matters, as well as, life in general. Following these are signs that Spirit is flawlessly guiding our lives as we’ve requested.

When I experience a moment of intuitive clarity, I feel it in the back of my stomach, radiating sharply. Other people experience it as a jump in their chest. Others still feel a hardness in the backs of their throats. By paying attention to these physical shifts, the world of self-calibration opens up to us. These shifts can sometimes make huge differences in the things we do and measures we take to close a deal or get out of a dangerous or difficult situation.

As a small disclaimer: Following hunches shouldn’t negate logic and reason, but act in concert with them. The ability to pay attention to hunches and intuition is sometimes relegated to woo-woo modern mystics and is often neglected or mocked in other situations. But think about EMTs or military personnel (especially ones in the line of danger) who rely on these abilities to keep themselves safe. Or think about business mogul, Lee Iacoca, who once said, “The only mistake I ever made was not listening to my gut.”

Think back to times when you had these feelings and didn’t heed the warning. What unpleasantness could you have avoided if you had (a broken heart, a stolen iphone. . .)? By checking in, centering, and gaining clarity, our life is enhanced immeasurably in all aspects.


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Building Stronger Connections and Improving Communication Wed, 01 Feb 2023 19:24:00 +0000

The Higher Self Is The Voice Of The Soul.

Getting to know your Higher Self is a loving and powerful way to move closer toward healing and self-realization. The Higher Self knows everything about us and sees the bigger picture. It knows all of our past lives, our dreams, frustrations, relationships, our different personalities, the lessons we are learning, all possible choices, the past and our potential future. The Higher Self can be a wonderful guide. Just imagine the possibility of seeing everything more clearly, feeling the joy and security of knowing that your choices are taking you toward your highest good!

As we face challenges and move through difficulties, many times we feel lonely, isolated or misunderstood by others. By getting your Higher Self involved in daily life, you will be able to feel loved, nurtured, and deeply understood. Your Higher Self is always there for you, in a way that another human being is not able to be. It is always ready to give you all the attention you need, always loving, has your highest good in mind guiding you ever closer to unlimited source.

As we grow and evolve we sometimes find that our personality is not enough to support our expanded, abundant Self. We sense and know the possibility of true prosperous living, but our old patterns of thinking and doing dont give us the guidance we need to actualize our spiritual ideals and transform our lives. We need a means of finding our way through the day to day reality of living, in a way that supports our Soul’s expansive desires. The Higher Self is the voice of the Soul. Creating a best friend relationship with your Higher Self can provide immediate and insightful help for the challenges of everyday living.

With our Higher Self as navigator we can deepen relationships with others through Soul to Soul communication. Previously unsolvable problems and conflicted relationships can be healed and problems resolved. The love connection between souls transcends all personality differences. The Higher Self also sees all opportunities for growth, allowing you to utilize your experiences in a more loving and joyful way.

This deep, expansive communion with the Self is one of the most powerful and direct ways to access the Souls ability to help you with all of your choices. The experience is also exquisitely beautiful and profoundly intimate. More intimate than any human relationship. Who could possibly know you better and love you more deeply than the being you came through to be on this earth?

This intimacy with the Higher Self is what so many are seeking in a Soul Mate. The innate longing for completion, to be with your other half, the one that was created for you at the beginning of time, the one you were meant to be with forever. That one is your own Soul.


Radiant joy and love emerge and are contagious.

Experience your True Self in this way is an amazing gift.

Imagine for a moment that you are now able to feel, taste, touch and know that wondrous union right here, right now. At last, here is the endless love you have been seeking which transcends this human existence. Look deeply into those ancient eyes and see only the truth of love shining back at you and know that this wise one has been with you always. Your heart opens as you feel the trust that comes from true commitment. As your heart opens wider, allow yourself to be embraced by this great being of love and bright light. Feel the strength, beauty, power and love of this ancient one flow through you. Your own heart knows the truth; you know who this is your Soul.

Feel your heart call to this one. Invite it to flow into your heart, embracing it. A deep trust and recognition arises as your Souls energy fills your heart. You know this connection is familiar, from the light, from the source. Secret memories are now remembered. Listen with your heart, your Soul is now speaking. Words of encouragement, hope, love, gentle soothing phrases drawing you closer. See how delighted this wise being is to see you, radiating magnificent colors and bright light. It has been waiting for you, waiting for this union, waiting to merge with you at last.

How long have you been waiting for this moment? How many times have you joined in this completion? The years of separateness drift away as you experience the ecstasy of true love.

To experience your True Self in this way is an amazing gift and a great service to our precious planet. Everyone can learn to turn within and commune with the Self. The rewards can be astonishing. With practice, the heart continues to open, the healing process quickens, life becomes more joyful and the world around us begins to change. Intimacy with the True Self purifies the heart allowing you to experience your own true abundant nature. Discovering pure joy and true happiness need not be difficult. It takes only a willing heart and practice.

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